Magazine’s fifth issue analyzes the parametric modeling procedures aimed at the analysis, knowledge and management of cultural heritage through description of case studies and research that propose application examples regarding parametric databases for the documentation of historical heritage. Construction of digital archives, starting from 3D surveys, associated with dynamic, semantic and parametric three-dimensional models, for a protection of the historical architectural heritage, qualifies the development of analysis tools that exploit three-dimensional modeling and technologies for data visualization and management of the complexity of historical heritage.

Different applications of BIM platforms on historical heritage require a reflection on the quality of models that must be able to describe deformations and irregularities of the built architecture. Ability to write down information on models regarding the state of conservation and the performance of a “building machine” in terms of systems and technological infrastructures constitutes one of the most relevant topics and themes regarding the use of these tools in management of buildings.

The sequence of articles proposes an in-depth study of this issue’s subject by addressing various experiments and variations of the parametric models created.

Contribution of Stefano Brusaporci, Pamela Maiezza and Alessandra Tata, entitled VPL for HBIM LOI advanced apps, is focused on the interoperable implementation of H-BIM database with historical news through the use of VPLs.

Federico Mario La Russa’s article about HS-BIM: Historical Sentient – Building Information Modelsproposes a decision support system starting from HBIM based on artificial intelligence mechanisms in which the model is able to “perceive” stimuli and “propose” solutions related to its management and conservation. Relationship between development of an energy simulation model starting from a three-dimensional BIM prototype is addressed in Alessia Maiolatesi, Alessandro Prada and Paolo Baggio’s text about the influence of context on a building’s energy efficiency, simulated through a BIM analytical model.

Game engine and solutions for the use of heritage through smartphones and immersive systems is an interesting aspect for the convergence of development activities. Case study of Roman theater of Sagunto described by Fernando Cos-Gayon López, Joan Cordón Llácer and Ana Belén Anquela Julián describes this possibility of synergy between information systems with pre-eminently technical purposes and possible developments for dissemination processes.

Still with regard to construction of an archive for heritage’s protection with possibility of building a platform on the web, is Adriana Caldarone’s article (Semantic web and seismic risk: beyond the bim for prevention) which deals with knowledge process for seismic risk prevention in resettlements and is aimed at a global understanding of material and immaterial values ​​underlying the training processes of fabrics and building agglomerations. The experience reported by Michele Calvano and Francesca Guadagnoli in contribution Shaping the past. The explicit digital drawing for the description of the ancient architecturesdescribes the experimentation carried out in the archaeological field of parametric modeling through VPL on the Neolithic settlement of La Draga (Girona, Spain).

Sandro Parrinello, Cettina Santagati