In recent years, many research studies have demonstrated the potential application of BIM systems in the field of conservation of historic buildings, promoting the creation of a new methodology: the Historical Heritage and Building Information Modeling. The HBIM, starting from the survey as the basis of building knowledge, has the advantage of allowing the storage of a lot of information in one model, the integration of highly accurate three-dimensional surveys, planning of conservation and the calculation of related costs, data mining for the ordinary maintenance and in general to the building heritage management.

Heterogeneous information such as reliefs and three-dimensional models, documentary sources, cartographic and iconographic, textual information may be merged into a single database, facilitating the sharing and management at multiple levels and by multiple operators.

The proposed trial provides an opportunity to reflect on HBIM role and to try to understand, analyzing the difficulties, limitations and the potential that the system can offer in the field of conservation. Starting from the case of BIM realized for the fine facade of the Abbey of San Matteo in Genoa, will be analyzed key aspects in the management of the historical heritage, especially in light of the scientific literature related to the use of HBIM.

1) Carlo Battini, 2) Rita Vecchiattini
1) DICCA - Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Università degli Studi di Genova
2) dAD - Department of Architecture and Design, Università degli Studi di Genova