In the last decade, the discipline of architectural representation has investigated the possibilities offered by Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodologies applied to historical heritage (H-BIM). In recent years, the emerging use of Visual Programming Language (VPL) based software is bridging the gap between three-dimensional modelling and information modelling through the use of algorithms that can be customized and made public also thanks to interoperable data formats.

The study presents a workflow developed in VPL environment to create a semi-automatic degradation map. The proposed machine learning algorithms allow generating new components starting from the acquisition data of a survey and the subsequent data processing. The proposed solution offers an innovative solution for the classification and semi-automatic creation of degradation elements that provides the association between geometries derived from 3D mesh and the information apparatus associated with them.

Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini, Andrea Tomalini
Department of Architecture and Design - DAD, Politecnico di Torino