The information management of cultural heritage has become central in the field of research and public administration, as evidenced by the issues and calls of the PNNR on digital, enhancement and protection of cultural heritage. The twelfth issue of Dn brings together the best papers selected from those presented at the 3D Modeling and BIM conference held in Rome on 12 April 2023, organized by Sapienza University of Rome, on the theme “Solutions for Cultural Heritage”.
The selected contributions are original and exemplifying the innovations in the sector and the various experiments in progress. The H-BIM approach is transversal: from the urban scale to the archaeological and architectural-monumental scale up to the diagnostics of works of art.
In this direction, the contribution of Maria Grazia Cianci and Matteo Molinari experiments the adoption of the BIM methodology to historical architectures by choosing the western sector of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome as a field of investigation
On the other hand, the contribution of Pierpaolo D’Agostino and Giuseppe Antuono experiments with a multidisciplinary methodological protocol to structure a GIS/BIM management model for the public administration to support the process of acceptance-verification-issue of building permits, exploiting also the VPL to optimize information flows.
The contribution of Elisabetta Caterina Giovannini focuses on VPL approaches for the semi-automatic generation of H-BIM components, developing different solutions according to each VPL environment investigated.
The potential of the HBIM approach to support the planning, management, implementation and archiving of pre, during and post-restoration activities of works of art and decorative apparatuses is experienced in the contribution of Emanuela Lanzara and Simona Scandurra.
The creation of three-dimensional contents (replicas and new exhibition spaces) lends itself to the formulation of preliminary considerations in the contribution by Matteo Flavio Mancini and Laura Farroni on the adoption of the metaverse – an environment that arises without scientific purposes – for cultural heritage.
Finally, the issue is closed by the contribution of Camilla Tennenini, Lorenzo Gatto, Michele Calvano, Letizia Martinelli, Filippo Calcerano, Elena Gigliarelli who pay attention to the monumental asset and the computerized management of the results of the diagnostic investigations on the San Giovanni Monastery in Müstair.
In summary, these contributions demonstrate how theoretical research and practical applications are closely aligned, providing an important contribution to the development of communication, enhancement, conservation and recovery of cultural heritage. BIM is confirmed as a key tool in preserving and enhancing our cultural heritage, allowing new and innovative possibilities for understanding and using the history and art of the past.
Tommaso Empler, Cettina Santagati