Dienne Volume 8 Index Volume 8 Editorial Vol. 08 Knowing the built heritage through digitised procedures. The index of masonry quality integrated in HBIM processes Heritage BIM for the survey, representation and restoration of existing heritage, a case of study: the Marciana fortress on Elba island Mixed Reality experiences for the heritage of Francesco di Giorgio Martini: reconstruction of the Cagli’s fortress Digital meets Opera: an interactive service model towards accessibility and sustainability. BIM-based Data Management in Built Heritage Life Cycle: a comparison of methods City Information Modeling and seismic risk: integrated HBIM-GIS approaches for the management of post-earthquake scenarios Geometric and information modelling of museums and collections: the Invisible Archaeology temporary exhibition at the Museo Egizio in Turin BIM for the management of the intervention on monumental architecture: the case study of former nineteenth century prison in Parma Image-based elaborations to improve the HBIM level of development BIM and IoT for Healthcare: digital models and services for care and assistance Accessible informations. Visualizing data in the age of big data, open data and open tools